No matter how visually appealing your website is, how easy it is to navigate, or how informative and up-to-date it is, if you’re not reaching your target audience, your efforts could all be in vain.

Even if you’re selling the most amazing, high quality products, or offering unique services that you know customers want, they’re not going to invest in them, if they can’t find them.

To get more people visiting your website and exploring what you have to offer, you need to focus on driving the right traffic to your site. But to do this, you need to firstly establish who they are, what they value most highly, and how they use the different channels at each stage of their purchasing journey. Working with a digital marketing agency in Surrey is the quickest and simplest way to do this, and they will likely use the 4 ways below to get the right audience engaging with your brand:

  1. Find out what matters to your audience

With limitless data available to modern marketers and business owners, tools like Search Console and Google Analytics can help you determine how visitors are finding your business, and what they are doing when they land on your site. Other tools such as Ad Manager and Facebook Insights can tell you how old visitors to your site are, where they are, their relationship status, and their interests and patterns of behavior. You can even learn what people think about your company and your brand, and what other things are of interest to them.

With a better understanding of your audience using analytical tools, you can make your site more targeted to their needs and interests.

2. Speak to an audience in the right way

With the help of social media listening tools, or by manually checking conversations happening on social media, you can find out how your audience likes to communicate, and adjust your voice and tone to match it, and better connect with them.

3. Determine appropriate organic keywords

Usually the biggest source of website traffic, organic search falls into three categories:

  • Informational – used to locate topics or items of a broader nature
  • Navigational – used to locate a specific product or website
  • Transactional – used to find a product or make a purchase

If you can identify what search terms are the most relevant, and discover the intent behind them when they’re used, you can work on developing better content to address the needs of your audience. Blog posts, resource centers and FAQs, for example, are all examples of informational content, while product pages play host to both navigational and transactional content.

4. Ramp up retargeting efforts

It’s often the case that a customer who has reached your online store, won’t complete their purchase in that same visit, and while this is both expected and accepted, if you don’t increase your retargeting efforts, it could easily become a missed opportunity.

There are several different digital channels you can use to help entice customers back to your store via retargeting campaigns, which could help bring you out of the consideration phase of the customers visit, and into the win column!

Investing in professional digital marketing services is the most reliable way to find your target audience, and maintain a more meaningful relationship with them. Once you’ve found your target audience, you can use a variety of digital channels to reach them, and hopefully, give your sales a healthy boost.