For any business wanting to maximize their online presence, staying on top of the latest digital and tech trends, is hugely important. Search engine optimization, or SEO, has been at the forefront of digital marketing strategies for a long time now, helping businesses achieve higher rankings in the search engine results pages. But, with the relatively recent arrival of artificial intelligence, or AI, the SEO landscape is being transformed.  

If, like many business owners, you don’t have the time or wherewithal to keep yourself updated with the changing digital landscape, hiring SEO Services in Surrey can be a highly effective solution.

Let’s take a closer look at the impact AI is having on SEO, and how it’s impacting businesses of all shapes and sizes:

AI in brief

In its most simplest term, artificial intelligence involves machines simulating human intelligence, and is an umbrella term that encompasses tasks like reasoning, problem-solving, and learning.

Major search engines, such as Google, have long been harnessing AI’s power to make their algorithms more effective; giving users search results that are much more personalized and relevant.

AI’s role in search engine rankings

To determine how relevant and authoritative a web page is, search engines use certain criteria, which is commonly referred to as ‘search engine ranking factors.’ These factors have historically included such elements as backlinks, content relevance, keyword inclusion, site speed and many more. But, now that AI is being integrated into search algorithms, these elements are changing.

RankBrain, a Google algorithm powered by AI (along with others) is now having much more of an influence on search engine ranking factors, interpreting search queries with the help of machine learning, to deliver results that are more accurate.

When a search query is made, its context and intent is being understood far better when search engine results pages (or SERPs), are being put together for users. Now, while this means that users are getting results that are far more useful and accurate, it also changes the way that we should be thinking about SEO when formulating digital marketing strategies.

Tools powered by AI for SEO

With AI increasingly being used in SEO, many new technologies and tools have been created that can help businesses make the most of their presence online. From platforms predicting analytics, to tools for keyword research, there are many new ways to gain valuable recommendations and insights that can make SEO strategies especially powerful.   

For more detailed information regarding specific AI tools for SEO, you can reach out to a digital marketing agency, who will also put many of these tools to good use on behalf of your business.

What’s the future of SEO now that AI’s in the frame?

SEO certainly isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, but with AI continuing to evolve, its future looks to be exciting, and possibly challenging, too. As algorithms powered by AI increase in their sophistication, an approach that’s more user-centric will be required, and SEO factors such as the quality of content, user experience, and a strong brand identity, will be even more important than they already are.

With the SEO landscape changing almost beyond recognition, businesses wanting to take advantage of AI while still getting as much as they can out of SEO and other digital marketing strategies, should definitely work with an SEO company in Surrey. This will ensure that all new technologies can be used effectively, and any obstacles (and there will be obstacles!) can be overcome with ease.