There are certainly some web design elements that are timeless, absolutely essential, and which will almost certainly be around for many more years to come. But there are also some aspects of web design that come and go, which are fashionable and working one month, and not so desirable and effective, the next.

If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed by the different trends in website design, and want to come up with a site that will say what you need it to say, and do what you need it to do, you’re best off working with a web design company in Surrey. With years of experience, and knowledge of what makes each web design trend worth pursuing or not, you can keep your existing customers and site visitors happy, while being able to attract new ones, too.

Below are just a handful of the latest Canadian web design trends:


Using a limited color palette and including only the bare essentials of visuals, this style of web design – although it looks simple – is deceptively tricky to master.


Often more engaging for visitors to a site than static images and photo’s, animations can convey complex ideas and messages far more easily and effectively than a still image; they can even be made interactive, and might appeal to younger audiences, too.

Full page headers

When executed professionally, full-page headers can be incredibly effective. Taking up the entire screen that a visitor lands on, they are often paired with a call-to-action button, or CTA, or a link to a product, service, or deal.

Dark/light mode

This trend is also used a lot on social media platforms, and gives the user the opportunity to swap from light mode (most websites have a light or white background and dark text) to dark (wherein the background becomes dark and the text, light), and vice versa.

Asymmetrical layouts

Having tinkered about with asymmetrical designs for websites, the classic, symmetrical layout, with boxes for text, images and blog posts etc being in perfect alignment with one another as users scroll up or down, and move from page to page, is no longer considered the ideal, or only layout. Creating a more unusual and dynamic user experience, this small change made by professional web designers, could change the layout of websites for good.

Augmented reality

Although it can’t be applied to every type of website design, augmented reality is increasing in popularity, particularly for those companies selling products such as jewelry, clothing and furniture. Adding a realistic element to a website, it gives consumers the chance to see how products might look in their homes or on their bodies, also helping to reduce the number of items being returned.

Curious about applying some of these trends to your website design in Surrey BC? Working with an experienced web design company is the best way to get the website you want, as quickly as possible. And what’s even better, is that if something isn’t working on your site, you can guarantee that they’ll know it before you do, and will work to fix things quickly so you never lose out on potential leads and sales.